How many times an hour do you make stuff up? Add things on to things? Receive some communication then you ‘make sense’ of it? Sprinkle emotion, prejudice and ‘past experiences’ on to what’s happening right now? How many times a day? A week? A year? You see, we are built to do this. We call it the fact or fiction ladder. Where we receive a bit of information, which we call the bottom of the ladder, we then start the process of ‘climbing the ladder’. We start to add things on, try to make sense of things, possibly naturally going to the ‘worst case’ scenario. You will recognise this in yourself! How many times have you ‘jumped the gun’ as it made total sense to you (thanks to your ladder!) only for it to be no where near as bad, and the worst was actually made up in your head…? Yes, we are all human. This process, where we move more from fact towards fiction is not accurate, it reduces performance shreds communication and is terrible for our mental health and wellbeing. But, by being aware that we do climb the ladder, and being able to notice this and challenge our thoughts, we are more calm, logical, connected and we get more right first time. Being more in control of our thoughts and feelings is essential to high performance. And if we don’t manage this process, we become illogical, irrational, we become less accurate, errors are made and our ‘HULK’ takes over…