0191 500 9760 hello@huddleculture.com

“With a passion for numbers, I was pleasantly surprised at how helping our staff connect better directly enhanced not only the wellbeing of our employees, but the overall performance of our business”

National Sales Director, TSB

We can all be hurt by ‘constructive feedback’.

By learning why we feel hurt, and how to process it better, we empower people to ‘thrive not dive’ when feedback is offered, enhancing safety culture and operational performance.

Have you ever been wounded by feedback?

Ever had to smile in an annual appraisal when you really wanted to cry?

Ever left a meeting feeling a pain in the pit of your stomach because what you took from the meeting was the feeling of ‘you are not good enough…?’

Have you ever been wounded by feedback?

Ever had to smile in an annual appraisal when you really wanted to cry?

Ever left a meeting feeling a pain in the pit of your stomach because what you took from the meeting was the feeling of ‘you are not good enough…?’

If you get feedback right it

  • Looks after the mental health of your people
  • Allows them to thrive in a collaborative and connected way
  • Empowers change through understanding the opportunity for growth
  • Contributes to a higher-performing and more profitable organisation

If you get feedback right it

  • Looks after the mental health of your people
  • Allows them to thrive in a collaborative and connected safety culture
  • Empowers change through understanding the opportunity for growth
  • Contributes to a higher-performing and more profitable organisation

Feedback is essential to helping people enhance their best qualities and address their potential areas of growth so they can optimize their own potential.

What we do know from getting out there and talking to people in many industries with different safety culture and many job roles, is that there is a HUGE need to help people not only to deliver feedback BUT ALSO how to process it correctly – to improve, in an empathic way, how this information is shared between humans who are trying their best.

Empath Training

Our half-day training package focuses on helping people to be more aware, confident and capable in the following areas:

  • Why we think and feel the way we do
  • Understanding the emotional parts of the brain system
  • Awareness of why we create ‘worst case’ beliefs
  • Why we stop listening and how to reduce this
  • How to create a balanced emotional baseline
  • How to validate our own thoughts to deliver factual feedback
  • How to deliver feedback in our ‘offer – pause – discuss – carry on’ system
  • Awareness of offering without fear about how you are feeling
  • How to pivot and align as the feedback session continues
  • How to conclude the session in an empathic and symbiotic ‘win-win’ format

Our half-day training package focuses on helping people to be more aware, confident, and capable in the following areas

  • Why we think and feel the way we do
  • Understanding the emotional parts of the brain system
  • Awareness of why we create ‘worst case’ beliefs
  • Why we stop listening and how to reduce this
  • How to create a balanced emotional baseline
  • How to validate your own thoughts to deliver factual feedback
  • How to deliver feedback in our ‘offer – pause – discuss – carry on’ system
  • Awareness of offering without fear about how you are feeling
  • How to pivot and align as the feedback session continues
  • How to conclude the session in an empathic and symbiotic ‘win-win’ format

Let’s cut to the chase.

Have you got a head?

Have you got a heart?

OK, great! You are like us. And this would therefore give us a link to the fact that on one or more occasions:

1. We have had to deliver feedback that we were not fully comfortable with because of thoughts such as

  • “How will this impact our relationship moving forward?”
  • “Is it safe enough, from a legal perspective, to say what I want and how I want?”
  • “It makes me feel nervous/sad having to deliver feedback like this…”

2. We have had to receive feedback that we were not fully comfortable with as it generated thoughts like this –

  • “I am really not doing well here…”
  • “I get a feeling because of this feedback that they don’t like ME…”
  • “I think what they are saying is that I might have to look for another job…”



How did you feel when someone gave you brilliant feedback?
Close your eyes – think and feel that memory!


How did you feel when someone gave you feedback that you felt was ‘negative’?
Close your eyes – think and feel that memory!

So, based on the absolute fact that most of us are emotional, we do create ‘worst case scenarios’ and that we make stories up that are not accurate but can be really detrimental – this is why our behavioural safety based training empowers many people in various industries to deliver and receive feedback in a way that takes care of heads and hearts and helps with the safety culture and operational performance of the business.

To find out more about any of our corporate training programmes, contact us below!