0191 500 9760 hello@huddleculture.com

Our Passion

Huddle Culture helps to maximize employees’ performance and happiness levels across everything they do, by optimizing how they think, feel and act, which we know is the foundation of all human performance. Using a globally scientifically proven behavioural safety approach which results in a happier and more powerfully connected workforce producing consistently enhanced levels of operational performance, in every aspect of business delivery.

Performance Enhancing Behavioural Safety Programmes

Think Feel Act is an employee performance enhancement and engagement programme that maximizes business performance by empowering happier people to ultimately get more right first time, by being more aware and in control of their thoughts, feelings and actions.

The foundation of ALL Human Performance.

Do you want a…

Higher performing organization? More powerfully connected culture? Happier and more collaborative colleagues?

Read more about our Think Feel Act programme

Think Feel Act is an empathic leadership led programme that enhances business performance by empowering people to thrive by being more aware and in control of their thoughts, feelings and actions, the foundation of ALL Human Performance.

Higher performing organisation? Connected Culture? Happier Colleagues?

Read more about our Think Feel Act programme here.

Emotional intelligence, conscious bias – this is the NEXT skill evolution for leaders to empower their teams to connect and perform better by seeing more of what’s not being said…

Read more about our Body Language for Leaders training

Emotional Intelligence, Conscious Bias – this is the NEXT evolution for leaders to empower their teams to connect and perform better by seeing more of what’s not being said…

Read more about our Body Language for Leaders training here.

It’s not just about how you deliver feedback that truly helps with organisational performance, the real key is helping the receiver to emotionally process this correctly to then empower the true potential of feedback to be felt.

Read more about our Empath feedback training

It’s not just about how you deliver feedback that truly helps with organisational performance, the real key is helping the receiver to emotionally process it correctly, to then empower the true potential of feedback to be felt.

Read more about our Empath feedback training here.

For more information about any of our corporate training programmes, contact us below!